What is Angular Framework: Pros and Cons

What is Angular Framework: Pros and Cons

Knowing the answer to the question What is Angular Framework: Pros and Cons can help you to understand the basics of this JavaScript framework. Today Angular has become one of the most famous software development frameworks and is a part of the Javascript ecosystem. Introduced and maintained by Google, it has gained recognition from the software development community. Angular is used by a vast community of software engineers in building user interfaces for websites and applications worldwide. 

It’s an open-source framework that plays a remarkable role in creating single-page applications and is supported by a massive community. Google releases six updates in under eight years which evidences its admirability among Software developers. Each technology comes with some advantages and disadvantages in the same manner Angular is also equipped with a fair share of pros and cons.


What is Angular Framework: Pros and Cons

Listed below are some of the advantages of Angular worth noticing:


1. Two-way data binding: Two-way data binding ensures that the changes made in your application code or inside the HTML document reflect in both places. It facilitates synchronization between the model and the view. It helps developers cut down the development time as they are no longer required to write extra codes for synchronization.


2. Service and Dependency Injection: Different pieces of code interact and rely on one another to form dependency. Many a time dependencies are explained in the component itself. Due to this a shift in dependency results in a shifting of the component. Angular JS injectors help define dependency as the outer element that decouples dependencies from their components. It distributes the task among different services and thus makes the components more iterative, and effortless to handle, and test.


3. MVC Architecture implementation: MVC supports as a base for different properties of Angular such as data binding and scopes. The MVC architecture of the Angular framework made it possible to detach the app logic part from the user interface part. It helps in commanding the complexities of an application by dividing it into the view, the model, and the controller section. All these work together to easily maintain the application.

4. Faster Server performance: Angular framework is solely written in Typescript, making it quicker than its native frameworks. It facilitates tons of features that escalate the performance of the CPU excessively. Various features like Track By, Lazy loading, OnPush, etc. Angular helps in improving server-side performance.


Listed below are a few disadvantages of Angular:


1. Steep Learning Curve: New developers find it tougher to use the Angular framework effectively in comparison to other famous frameworks like Native and Vue. This occurs due to the abundance of topics and concepts, and it renders more than one way practicable to complete a single task.


2. Performance Trade-off: Two-way data binding can slow down the performance of software applications as it leads the browser to be busy while handling the DOM elements and occupies many resources. This performance trade-off can only be seen in old devices because of the innate abstraction inside Angular.


What is Angular Framework: Pros and Cons

3. CLI documentation lacks details: The current state of CLI documentation lacks data which frustrates some developers. Since the command line has an important role to play in the Angular framework development, abundant information is not available on the Angular official documentation on GitHub. Which leads to a waste of time in exploring the desired answer from the threads on GitHub.


4. Migration: The main reason that makes the Angular framework unsuitable for enterprise applications is its porting from JS-established code to Angular-style planning. Enterprises are unable to keep up and deal with the pace of new versions of Angular coming out within such a short time.

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